Coursera vs Udemy — Which is Better 2021 — Comparison

Coursera vs Udemy

Marcela M
6 min readMay 28, 2020
Coursera vs Udemy

The job market is increasingly competitive, so that to have the opportunity to enter the market it is extremely important that you have some differential. Complementary training is always well regarded in the job market, of which the following can be highlighted:

· Languages ​​course

· Basic and advanced computer course

· Knowledge in graphic design software

· Courses in administrative routines, human resources and accounting

· Domain of programming and information technology

As soon as you finish high school it is not so common to have satisfactory knowledge in these areas of further education. But the market for distance learning courses has greatly facilitated this scenario. Today, there are several platforms that offer technical courses and language courses completely online. However, for the experience to be really satisfactory, the student needs to have some personal characteristics, such as:

· Familiarity with online platforms

· Ability to manage your time productively

· Self-discipline to study in your own home

· Internet access and quality computers

Having these characteristics, your biggest challenge is to find a quality platform that allows you to learn through an enriching experience. Among the different platforms considered to be authority in this niche market, Coursera and Udemy are certainly among the most requested. So, to help you looking for a platform to start investing in your professional training, this article presents a review of the Coursera and Udemy platforms .

Coursera review

The Coursera is considered the largest learning platform, that is, the largest site provider Open Online Courses and Massive (MOOC, English Massive Open Online Course). As the projects that offer courses in the MOOC format seek to be projects to popularize science and technical knowledge applied to the job market, Coursera is among the biggest names in this market niche. Its courses are the result of international partnerships with renowned institutions from different countries, such as:

· Germany

· Argentina

· Australia

· Brazil

· Canada

· Chile

· China

· Singapore

· Colombia

· South Korea

· Denmark

· Spain

· United States

· France

· Italy

· United Kingdom

· Switzerland

Renowned universities in these and other countries, as well as Higher Education Institutions and technical training in general produce courses in partnership with Coursera , hosting their content on the platform and allowing global access. Among the institutions that make their courses available through the platform, the following stand out:

· Michigan State University

· Arizona State University

· Stanford University

· Duke University

· Georgia Institute of Technology

· Indian School of Business

· The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

· Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

· University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

· The University of Edinburgh


Coursera has free courses

As mentioned, Coursera stands out for betting heavily on offering MOOC courses. Thus, Coursera has free courses in different areas of activity, duration and levels of specialization. In fact, practically all areas with courses offered at Coursera have at least some free modules.

Coursera is certified

Betting on partnerships with renowned higher education institutions, Coursera has a valid certificate in the academic and professional market. It should be noted, however, that the issue of authenticated certificates has an issue cost, since the validation of these documents requires specific records and recognition of institutional value.

It is up to the Coursera student to choose between the different options regarding the issue of certificates:

· Free course without certificate: the student has access to all content produced by the mentioned institutions completely free of charge and develops his knowledge in the area of ​​interest, but does not receive a certificate to prove his complementary training

· Free course with certificate issuance: the student carries out all the online training for free, paying only the issuance of the certificate after completing the course (the value is usually between US $ 15.00 and US $ 35.00)

· Private course: longer courses are usually private, so the full amount involved in enrolling and issuing a certificate is already included in the course fees.

Udemy review

The Udemy is an online course platform which is also among the best and most popular online educational platform in the world. This is a project created by Eren Bali, whose courses offer training in different areas, such as:

· Languages

· Personal development

· Information Technology

· Finance and accounting

· Design

· Marketing

· Lifestyle

· Photography

· Health and Fitness

· Biological Sciences and Natural Sciences

· Social Sciences

In order to make a good review of Udemy courses , it is important to highlight two aspects of the platform:

· Mobile tools: Udemy courses can be accessed via mobile devices, with applications for both Android and iOS systems.

· Possibility to share your knowledge: unlike Coursera, whose courses are essentially created by renowned universities, Udemy also encourages instructors who want to share their knowledge through free courses.

In addition, the Udemy platform has more than 100,000 courses , covering almost any area of ​​knowledge that the student may be interested in.


Udemy has free courses

The Udemy has free courses in virtually all areas of interest. As it has courses of different levels of specialization, it is common for more complex courses to have the first modules free of charge, aiming at both the democratization of technical knowledge and the dissemination of platform tools. Thus, the student acquires, free of charge, the knowledge necessary to effectively follow more specific levels of training, and already has the opportunity to evaluate the platform to know in advance if he can adapt to the online teaching methodology.

However, it is important to note that even free courses have a certificate fee, if the student chooses to issue his certificate after completing the course. But the student can perfectly take any of Udemy’s free courses without requesting the issuance of a certificate and, therefore, have no cost involved in this process.


This article sought to review the most important aspects of the Coursera and Udemy platforms, two of the main online education platforms. According to our review, we can highlight that both are excellent in the following aspects:

· Audiovisual quality and student experience

· Diversity of areas of expertise

· Certificate issue

· Free courses

· Didactic, objective and totally directed content for professional practice

· Updated content and complementary materials, such as digital books, mind maps, summaries and tables that can assist the student during the development of the classes

However, there is an important difference between these two platforms. Coursera has more courses for the academic public, since its courses are hosted by renowned institutions of higher education. If you fit the academic profile or your main purpose is to differentiate your curriculum in this environment, Coursera is probably the best option for you.

Udemy, on the other hand, has a greater number of courses, more areas of expertise and the possibility of sharing its knowledge through a free online course. This way, if you are curious or interested in more specific areas that you don’t find on other platforms, it is worth visiting the Udemy platform, since the platform has more than 100,000 courses.

In addition, if you want to find a second source of income, Udemy offers the possibility to monetize your knowledge through free courses that you can host on the platform. However, for this it is strongly recommended that you take some free courses first to familiarize yourself with the format of the courses and the audiovisual quality that you need to offer to create a quality course.

Now that you know the main features of Coursera and Udemy, just choose the platform that best suits your needs and start investing in your resume today!





Marcela M
Marcela M

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