EdX vs Coursera — (Review — Certificate — Courses Free)
If you are looking to expand your technical knowledge or make your curriculum more competitive for the job market, you must have already encountered the countless options of Distance Learning that the market currently offers. Some people are resistant to this teaching methodology, assuming that teaching is only really effective when it takes place in person, since social interaction and the presence of the teacher would be indispensable for learning. Although this hypothesis is quite pertinent, the expansion of complementary training in the Distance Learning modality demonstrates how many people adapt to this format.
However, the large number of platforms offering courses in this modality creates a commodity effect , that is, people assume that all products have similar quality, usually adopting the best cost-benefit ratio as the only criterion for choosing the platform on which to study. But if you really want to invest in a course that helps your professional development, you should pay attention to more specific and comprehensive criteria when choosing the best online course platform . Some criteria to consider are:
· Audiovisual quality and experience provided to the student
· Technical quality and scientific basis of content
· Complementary materials
· Technical knowledge and professional training of instructors
· Adaptation of the content to the current professional scenario
· Certificate validity in the academic and professional market
Some platforms have more quality in one or two of these criteria, with average quality in the others. But platforms such as EdX and Coursera are online course platforms known for having excellent evaluation in all these criteria. So, to help you identify which of these two renowned platforms is more focused on what you are looking for, this article presents a review of the main features of EdX and Coursera .
EdX online courses review
The EDX courses are known for their high quality audiovisual and the applicability of its contents in the labor market. Among the different areas covered by the platform, we highlight the courses aimed at professionals from the following niches:
· Computer science
· Data Science
· Engineering
· Business Administration and Management
· Languages
· Human Sciences
Each of these major areas has subcategories with different course options. For example, the large area “Computer Science” has courses in subcategories such as “Programming”, “Software Development” and the like. The same applies to the large area “Languages”, which has different levels of specialty in subcategories such as “English”, “German” and other languages.
It is also important to remember that EdX courses have different levels of expertise . Thus, regardless of the large area and the specialty of the chosen course, you will find courses lasting 4 hours, 10 hours, 20 hours, even longer courses, committing 160 hours or more.
EdX courses free
With courses at different levels of specialty, EdX has free courses offered on its platform. These courses have all the characteristics of the others, including audiovisual quality and relevance of the syllabus. It is a way to promote access to knowledge and professional development, facilitating the student’s qualification for the job market. The only cost the student has when choosing one of the free EdX courses is the cost of issuing the EdX digital certificate .
EdX certified
The EDX provides certificate for their students after completing the course within the platform requirements. And this certificate is extremely valuable for the professional market and for the academic market, since EdX courses are the result of partnerships with renowned Higher Education Institutions, such as:
· Harvard University
· University of California
· Massachusetts Institute of Technology
· Boston University
· Australian National University
· The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
· Princeton University
· Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
· University of Edinburgh
· University of Toronto
· University of Oxford
For private courses, the value of issuing the digital certificate is already included in the course investment. However, for free EdX courses , a fee is charged for issuing the digital certificate. It is worth remembering that the issuance of digital certificates is an optional service, so that the student can choose to take the course for free and not have the cost of this additional service, if he does not want a certificate attesting to his training. However, considering the technical quality of the institutions that provide the certification, opting for the issuance of a certificate is certainly the most cost-effective option.
Coursera online courses review
The Coursera is an institution of technology North American educational, founded in 2011 by renowned computer science professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller, Stanford University. Having been created by two computer science professors, it is easy to assume that Coursera has the latest technology to provide a great experience for students. And, in fact, Coursera’s audiovisual resources provide an excellent experience during classes.
Currently, Coursera has 450 employees , having served 47 million users until December 2019. This is possible both because of the quality that Coursera prioritizes for its courses, and because it contemplates different areas of expertise and levels of expertise, offering courses from following niches:
· Arts
· Human Sciences
· Business
· Computer science
· Data Science
· Information Technology
· Cheers
· Mathematics and Logic
· Personal development
· Physical Science and Engineering
· Social Sciences
· Languages and Languages
All of these areas offer courses at different levels of specialty, ranging from those who need totally introductory notions to students with technical knowledge who seek to update their knowledge and differentiate themselves in the job market. In addition, there are courses with content geared more towards theoretical notions, while others seek to prepare the individual for practice, putting him in contact with the job market and the current scenario.
Coursera courses free
Coursera invests in access to knowledge and indiscriminate professional training. Thus, seeking to promote the democratization of technical knowledge, most of the areas covered by courses on the Coursera platform have several free modules. All, obviously, with excellent technical quality, cutting-edge audiovisual resources and complementary materials to facilitate the learning process.
Among the main areas in which the Coursera platform has free courses , the following courses stand out:
· The science of well-being
· Financial Engineering
· Algorithms
· Fundamentals of Programming
· Introduction to Philosophy
· History of the Internet, Technology and Security
All these courses are developed with high audiovisual quality, their content is updated and applicable in the academic and professional market.
Coursera certified
Seeking to ensure the best acceptance of the content offered in its courses, Coursera has a certificate with academic quality recognized worldwide. This is because, like EdX, Coursera has partnerships with renowned Universities from several countries, including:
· Michigan State University
· Arizona State University
· Stanford University
· Duke University
· Georgia Institute of Technology
· Indian School of Business
· The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
· Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
· University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
· The University of Edinburgh
It should be noted that Coursera also has partnerships with technical institutions, such as:
· Google Cloud
· EIT Digital
However, there is a cost in issuing and validating these certificates so that they can be recognized, whether in the labor market as a complementary training to the curriculum, or in the academic market, as complementary training to meet the requirements and academic workload of this complementary modality. So, if you opt for a free Coursera course , in order to have access to the certificate you will need to pay the issuance of this document separately. In private courses, as with EdX, the value of issuing a certificate is already included in the course investment.
Thus, the Coursera student has three options with regard to their training and subsequent issuance of their certificate:
· Private course: Coursera private courses are usually academic-level courses, such as specialization, Master’s and MBA. Thus, the investment of the course is usually in installments, since the course lasts for months or even more than a year. In these cases, the value of the certificate issue is already included in the investment of the course.
· Free course with certificate issuance: there are numerous options for free courses at Coursera. Students who choose one or more of these courses and need their digital certificate must pay for this service after completing the course. Typically, the service for issuing and validating the certificate is between US $ 10.00 and US $ 25.00, varying from institution to institution, as well as level of training and course duration.
· Free course without issuing a certificate: just like EdX, the student can take a free course at Coursera without requesting a certificate. In this case, the student is unable to prove his education, nor add it to his academic or professional curriculum. But it acquires updated knowledge and produced by the best universities in the world completely free of charge, being able to improve its work and obtain personal and intellectual development.
Both EdX and Coursera are excellent online teaching platforms. Both have free courses, issue certificates and partnerships with world-renowned universities. So, if you are looking to acquire knowledge and differentiate yourself in the job market, visit the website of any of these institutions and choose the best course for you!